This InstituteQ Colloquium features Professor Oded Zilberberg from Konstanz University. The title of his talk is "Exploring quantum impurities and measurement backaction via tensor-networks."
Oded Zilberberg is leading a research activity focused on contemporary questions in quantum-engineered systems. In the core of this field stands the competition between coherent quantum physics and the impact of an environment of the combined open out-of-equilibrium dynamics. The studied systems are varied, ranging from mesoscopic electronics with their fascinating many-body coherent effects, to photonics and atomic meta-materials that simulate material properties and novel effects, as well as to many-body dynamical nonlinear systems.
Event details
When: 14.00-15.00, 24.9.2024
Where: Otakaari 1, H304, Otaniemi
Register: Webropol link to register
Host: Professor Jose Lado
From Oded Zilberberg: What will your talk discuss?
Tensor networks allow us to compress and efficiently represent one-dimensional many-body states. This relies on truncating small correlations and entanglement along the system's length. At the same time, the representation provides easy access to these correlations. My talk will be divided into three parts: (i) I will introduce a mesoscopic coupled quantum-dots system, map it onto a Wilson chain, and show how to study Kondo physics via the tensor network correlations as order parameters, (ii) I will introduce how the tensor network description of a mixed state provides an easy-to-read entanglement measure for open systems, and (iii) show how the entanglement measure allows us to better understand measurement-induced transitions (MITs).