Hosted within InstituteQ, the Finnish Quantum Flagship is an 8-year project jointly funded by its various host organisations and the Research Council of Finland.
The host organisations are Aalto University (coordinator), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, the University of Helsinki, the University of Jyväskylä, Tampere University, the University of Oulu, and CSC-IT Centre for Science.
Among the numerous goals of the flagship are sponsoring collaboration across Finnish research institutions, universities, and industries; recruiting, training and retaining top-talent in quantum technologies; and initiating new research and business endeavours.
Broader collaboration between the Nordic states, Europe, the United States, and beyond are also underway, and are based on public declarations.
But first and foremost, the flagship's mission is to codify Finland's role as a global quantum technology powerhouse for years to come.
Interested in learning more about FQF? Read a brief programme overview at the link below:
FQF Director
Peter Liljeroth
Aalto University
FQF Vice Director
Pekka Pursula
FQF Project Coordinator
Mahdi Moghaddam
Aalto Univeristy
Local Coordinator
Visa Vesterinen
Local Coordinator
Tero Heikkilä
University of Jyväskylä
Local Coordinator
Hewan Zewde
University of Helsinki
Local Coordinator
Mikael Johansson
Local Coordinator
Teemu Ojanen
Tampere University
Local Coordinator
Matti Silveri
University of Oulu