InstituteQ Colloquium: Dr. Christopher J. Wood of IBM Quantum

The InstituteQ Colloquiums continue on Tuesday, May 23, when the focus is on error mitigation in quantum computers. The guest speaker is Dr. Christopher J. Wood of IBM Quantum. Anyone interested in or working with quantum computers is bound to find the presentation insightful and engaging.

Fully fault-tolerant quantum computation is the holy grail for quantum computing, however it remains out of reach for near term quantum hardware. With the goal of exploring useful applications on noisy near-term quantum devices a variety of error mitigation and suppression techniques have been proposed that require significantly less resources than full error correction.

In his talk titled "Error mitigation for near-term quantum computation", Dr. Wood will give an overview of several promising mitigation techniques including readout error mitigation, zero-noise extrapolation, and probabilistic error correction, and discuss recent IBM experiment demonstrations of these techniques, and efforts to make them available through the IBM Qiskit runtime.

Christopher Wood is a Staff Research Scientist at IBM Quantum and works on software for error mitigation, noise characterization, and simulation, of quantum computers. He received his PhD in Physics (Quantum Information) from the Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Canada in 2015, and joined IBM in 2016. He has been heavily involved in the development of Qiskit including Qiskit Runtime Primitives, Qiskit Experiments, Qiskit Aer, and the Qiskit quantum info module.

The event is free to attend for all, and refreshments will be served. Please sign up by on Webropol:

Join us on May 23 at 2 pm at Konetekniikka 1, 213a (Otakaari 4), for quantum computing, coffee and colleagues!

Please note that the event is on-site only and will not be recorded.