Wilhelm and Else Heraeus School
OQS 2023
4-9 June 2023
Hyytiälä, Finland
Lecturers | Schedule | Practical Info | Registration | Organisers | Sponsors
The exchange of energy and particles plays an important, sometimes even a decisive role in the physics of modern quantum devices. This is particularly true for mesoscopic solid state structures such as superconducting or semiconducting circuits. These are the systems that are also very attractive from the point of view of both theoretical analysis and experimental studies in modern laboratories.
The Summer School on Open Quantum Systems and Mesoscopic Physics is a carefully tailored intensive training, to provide participants with education in state-of-the-art experimental realizations and theoretical formulations of open quantum systems. Topics of the school include:
- open quantum system theory of quantum integrated circuits
- noise and thermodynamics in mesoscopic systems
- many-body thermalization
- quasiparticles in superconductors
- quantum transport
- quantum optics and electronics
- topological semiconductors
The school is aimed at young scientists, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers in the topics’ disciplines. It provides an opportunity for immersive focusing on strengths and limitations of ‘deep’ quantum mechanical properties, observed and exploited in current and future experimental set-ups. The training consists of tutorials, collaborative seminar activities, poster sessions, flash talks, and contributed talks by local scientists.
Prof. Anne Anthore, Paris City University
Prof. Dmitry Abanin, University of Geneva
Prof. Gianluigi Catelani, Jülich Research Center
Prof. Per Delsing, Chalmers University
Prof. Milena Grifoni, Regensburg University
Prof. Gert-Ludvig Ingold, University of Augsburg
Prof. Charles Marcus, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen

Sunday 4 June
16:00 International arrivals in Helsinki airport (at latest)
18:00 Departure to Hyytiälä, Mikonkatu Charter Bus Stop, Railway Square, Helsinki
20:30 Stop at Tampere Bus Station
21:30 Arrival to Hyytiälä, accommodation
Monday 5 June
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Thermodynamics, Noise and Quantum Transport I, Anne Anthore
9:30 Coffee
10:00 Thermodynamics, Noise and Quantum Transport II, Anne Anthore
10:30 Quantum transport of particles and heat: a Liouville space formulation – Part I: The quantum transport problem and the Nakajjima-Zwanzig formulation, Milena Grifoni
11:15 Lunch
12:15 Quantum transport of particles and heat: a Liouville space formulation – Part I (continued): The quantum transport problem and the Nakajjima-Zwanzig formulation, Milena Grifoni
13:00 Student flash talks
14:00 Coffee
14:30 Student flash talks
16:30 “Digest of the day”
17:30 Dinner
18:00 – saunas, recreation and “hyttysjahti”
Tuesday 6 June
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Basics of quantum dissipation I, Gert-Ludvig Ingold
9:30 Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation greetings, Stefan Jorda
9:40 Coffee
10:00 Basics of quantum dissipation II, Gert-Ludvig Ingold
10:30 Thermalisation, entanglement, and many-body localisation I, Dmitry Abanin
11:15 Lunch
12:15 Thermalisation, entanglement, and many-body localisation II, Dmitry Abanin
13:00 Thermodynamics, Noise and Quantum Transport III, Anne Anthore
14:00 Coffee
14:30 Thermodynamics, Noise and Quantum Transport IV, Anne Anthore
15:00 Quantum transport of particles and heat: a Liouville space formulation – Part II: Application to charge and heat transport, Milena Grifoni
16:30 “Digest of the day”
17:30 Dinner
18:00 – saunas, recreation and “hyttysjahti”
Wednesday 7 June
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Thermalisation, entanglement, and many-body localisation III, Dmitry Abanin
9:30 Coffee
10:00 Thermalisation, entanglement, and many-body localisation IV, Dmitry Abanin
10:30 Environmental effects in single charge transport, Gert-Ludvig Ingold
11:15 Lunch
12:15 Casimir effect and dissipation, Gert-Ludvig Ingold
13:00 Quasiparticles in superconducting devices I, Gianluigi Catelani
14:00 Coffee
14:30 Quasiparticles in superconducting devices II, Gianluigi Catelani
15:00 Super-semi 2D materials, the superconductor-insulator transiti on, and beyond, Charles Marcus
16:30 “Digest of the day”
18:00 Walther und Else Heraeus Dinner
saunas, recreation and “hyttysjahti”
Thursday 8 June
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Quasiparticles in superconducting devices III, Gianluigi Catelani
9:30 Coffee
10:00 Quasiparticles in superconducting devices IV, Gianluigi Catelani
10:30 Frustration: complexity plus quantum, Charles Marcus
11:15 Lunch
12:15 Routes to topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes, Charles Marcus
13:00 Artificial atoms in open space I, Per Delsing
14:00 Coffee
14:30 Artificial atoms in open space II, Per Delsing
15:00 Exploring nature
17:30 Dinner
18:00 – saunas, recreation and “hyttysjahti”
Friday 9 June
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Intermediate time dilemma in open quantum systems, Michał Horodecki
8:50 Exact input-output theory for superconducting quantum circuits, Vasilii Vadimov
9:10 Benchmarking qecc decoders with open quantum system simulation data, Alexandru Paler
9:30 Coffee
10:00 Packing and check-out
10:45 Departure
11:45 Arrival to the Tampere Bus Station
14:00 Arrival to the Helsinki-Vantaa airport
14:45 Arrival to the Railway Square, downtown Helsinki
Practical Info
The school takes place at the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station of the University of Helsinki in Finland. The station is located approximately one hour north-east drive from the city of Tampere.
Hyytiälä has served as a university research station for over 100 years. Its historical buildings are an important part of Finnish cultural heritage, and have been conserved by the National Board of Antiquities and Historical Monuments. They are exceptional to serve still in their original purpose. New accommodation and dining buildings are opened for the field users during spring 2023.
Transportation between Helsinki and Hyytiälä will take place by a joint shuttle bus, organized for the school participants.
DEPARTURE: Sun 4 Jun at 6 PM, Mikonkatu Charter Bus Stop, Railway Square, Helsinki
International travel is to be organized by the participating students / sending host organizations.
Accommodation is provided in shared rooms for 2-4 persons.
Spare time activities
- Nearby conservation areas and hiking tracks
- Self-guided walk using a mobile device
- Climate whirl – outdoor art
- Lakeside saunas
- Yard games
- Fields suitable for football and beach volley
- A scenic campfire place Makkarakallio about 500 m along a lakeshore track from the small sauna
Registration is open until March 31st 2023. All registered applicants will been informed on acceptance by a separate e-mail soon after the registration is closed.
Link to registration
The participation is free of charge. Accommodation, a daily warm lunch, coffee between sessions, as well as social program indicated in the program will be provided to the participants. Local transportation is provided by the organizers, while international travel must be arranged by the participants themselves.
Privacy notice for Aalto University events
For questions, contact: Senior Academic Coordinator Minna Günes, name.surname@aalto.fi
Joachim Ankerhold, University of Ulm
Bayan Karimi, University of Helsinki
Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi, University of Helsinki
Jukka Pekola, Aalto University
Minna Günes, Aalto University
contact: oqs2023 (at) aalto.fi
The school is supported by:
- the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung (WEHS)/Germany,
- the Finnish Quantum Institute (InstituteQ),
- the Center for Integrated Quantum Science & Technology (IQST) Ulm-Stuttgart,
- the Quantum Technology Finland (QTF) Centre of Excellence, and
- the Quantum Technology Network Baden Württemberg (QTBW).